First blog post!
Greetings everyone! Sorry it's been a bit since I updated the site, but I finally got myself working on it. XD Anywho, might as well get into what's happening.
Overall, things have picked up steam. College has started back, and overall it's not too bad. It's kinda nice to have all my remaining classes be online. I can keep costs down and just focus on projects without pressure of showing up to anything. Plus, it means I have more time for friends and family, so that's always a plus!
As far as projects go, I recently updated the WhichAnimeShouldYouWatch site, mainly giving it a visual overhaul. I've been meaning to update it for a LONG time, but I finally got around to it. On top of that, I actually got it hosted using Vercel. For those of you that don't know, Vercel is a service that allows you to deploy web apps for free. I knew it existed, I just didn't know it was free until recently XD And now, I'm definitely going to use it fo future projects. It's just so convencient. I also need to update the search algorithm for the site. It does the job, but in general, it doesn't really accomplish what I want the site to do to begin with. I have an idea of how I'm going to improve the algorithm, but I need to test around first before I do it. In the future, I do want to implement user support where you can just import your profile, and it gives you recommendations based on your list. Lots of things I can do, but one thing at a time XD
As far as other projects, I mean I have this site XD, I do want to add a few cool features using Javascript on here, but I mainly want to get all the pages written first. I also want to redo the CSS so that each section has their own theme instead of just a copy-psate everywhere XD But that will come at its own time.
I do have other things to work on tho programming-wise, I do need to finish development work for Avalon, but I plan to start on that again tomorrow once the weekend's passed. I do have a more secret project I'm doing with a friend I need to get back to, but I'll get to it eventually XD
Animation-wise I've finally gotten my footing again. It's been great honestly, I've been trying to stop worrying about whether my work is good or not and just work on something I love. It really helps relieve a lot of the pressure, and get me more to work on things. Especially when it feels like my creativity is less bound. I'll share progress in my next post, but I'm sure you guys will find it interesting XD
Games-wise, I haven't really played too many games as of late. I've really gotten into Miside as of recently. It's honestly a really fun game, but it's scary as hell XD. I can tell what people meant when they say it's similar to DDLC, but I'll get more into it when I make the page for it. *Yes, every game I intend to talk about on this site will have its own page XD* Aside from that, I've been playing Minecraft with the GF. We're doing what's called a forever world, where we essentially start one world, and don't start any new worlds. If we want to start fresh, we just leave our stuff in a chest, and move somewhere else. Honestly, I love the idea of it. It makes me feel like every decision I make in the world is intentional, and is intended to last instead of just being discarded after we get bored. I'll report on how it goes overtime with these posts.
Anime-wise, not too much. Trying to get into Eminence in Shadow due to a friend's suggestion, but just need to make time for it. I do also want to re-watch a bunch of other shows I really like. I'll get to it at some point, but I just need to make time for it XD
Aside from that, not really much else to say. Just been a busy week, and haven't really had much time to work on the site. Hopefully I will get to update this site more, cause I am really passionate about this idea. It really makes me feel more excited that I just have my own place online to share my stuff. Anywho, have a great day you guys! Let me know if the visual aspect looks good or if it's too hard to read. I can just update it next time I post.
See ya!