
Rewatching Shield Hero

Welcome back! Kind of a slower week, but wanted to write this cause there's still a lot to go over.



As I mentioned, things have been slow this week. College still going smooth as ever, and while I haven't made any crazy developments on my end, I'm still chugging along. I do have a few important things I want to bring up.
The first major thing is I'm starting to go to the gym on a regular basis. It's been years since I've went, and it feels great knowing I'm finally starting to take care of myself on that end. It'll also be a good way to not be stuck in the house all the time XD


Avalon stuff is going slowly but surely. I'm also considering opening a Fiverr for website commissions for content creators. It's mainly just to make a bit of quick side-cash, but it should also be fun. I already have a few people in mind I want to contact, but if you're interested in commissioning me, please lemme know! Aside from that, nothing too crazy.
I still intend to update the WhichAnimeYouShouldWatchNext site. I really do want to improve the search algorithm. I just need to figure out a more efficient method. I'll get around to it.
I might also work on my neocities page as a side project. I really want to capture the 90s web vibe, so I might use that for practice. I'll also use the site to test stuff for me to potentially bring over here. I do want to update the site and make it look cooler than just a flat page. I just need to figure out how.


Haven't really worked on anything so far this week. I do intend to pick up on things, but don't want to rush it.


While I don't want to announce anything yet, I am making strides towards my return to YouTube. I do know that at the end of the day, if I want to start an animation studio with my gf, I need the audience. As of right now, while I do have a few people and I am grateful to them for sticking around all these years, I truly need something massive in order to start. That's mainly why I've been slow with animation. I do have a few plans tho. First things first, I'm gonna start uploading short 10 minute videos on random topics I find interesting. I want to eventually start doing video-essay type content, but I need to work my way up to them as they are ambitious projects. So for now I'm starting small, and I'll work up there. I may have something else to announce, but I can't say anything yet. Animations will still happen, don't worry. They'll just be considered a little treat to upload to the channel. Something to break the normalcy and provide something unique and exciting


Not much here either. I've played some more Minecraft, and am considering getting back into Genshin, but primarily as a time thing I can't really dedicate much. Maybe I'll get back into it, but I'm not too concerned


I've decided to go back and rewatch Rising of the Shield Hero. I've been wanting to rewatch older shows and see if my feelings towards the shows have changed over the years. I do intend to make a full review on my channel as well as on the anime side of my website, but just to briefly go over as I've only gotten to episode 3: While my feelings have matured and I do notice more of the flaws, I do think that what they're trying to go for still stands. The hook at the end of episode one is still a massive punch in the gut, and I keep forgetting how much Naofumi is just treated like ass throughout the show. I do feel that the lengths he goes to are a bit extreme, despite him being essentially out of options. I really do still think Raphtalia is my favorite character in the show. She really is the crown jewel of the show in terms of what she represents. She represents the hidden good in us all and especially in Naofumi. Despite her being considered the lowest of the low, she still manages to be the most mature and strong of the bunch, to the point that she is the only reason Naofumi even gives the world a chance. I'm not ready to start crying at the end of Episode 4, because I know what's coming up, but that episode is what made me realize how incredible the show is. Anywho, I'll calm down on the yapping. I'll cover more when I do my eventual review. I only intend to rewatch season 1 for now. I may give season 2 another chance, but I'm not sure... We'll just have to see XD


Overall, a pretty slow week. I am enjoying going over Shield Hero again, and I can't wait to keep at it! Also I'll hopefully have more to share on my upcoming plans next week, and I'll be able to give the site a better look visually. Anywho, have a great day! See ya next post!

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